When we have unresolved emotional stress, it drains our natural ability to respond with clarity and self-confidence to personal, relationship and financial challenges in our daily life. Many of my clients use these techniques daily (7-30 minutes each day) to dissolve the inner pressure or charge of anger, depression, worry and fears. By freeing yourself from this unnecessary past and present stress, you can increase your level of self-confidence, inner peace, vitality, forgiveness, and joy. These therapies can be done silently anywhere. For most people the intensity of whatever is upsetting them usually drains away fairly quickly (5 to 30 minutes) through these unique processes. I can share with these life changing approaches either on the phone or at one of my offices in either Santa Rosa, Petaluma or Corte Madera, California.

I work with six potent systems of Emotional Stress Release Techniques (Sedona Method, Effort Free Living, Intuitional Releasing, Heartmath, Psych-K, and Re-evaluation Release Therapy).

*Sedona Method developed by Hale Dwoskin and Lester Levenson
Live in the moment. What prevents us from really being happy, optimistic, creative, intuitive and confident in each moment? It’s when our unresolved, upsetting feelings and limiting beliefs from our past and present restrict us.

Does avoidance, denial, repression, rationalization, really help free us from the intensity of anger, fear, guilt, worry, and depression from unresolved past or present upsetting experiences?

In the Sedona Method, you learn how easy it is to release the emotional pressures in any upsetting feeling, while increasing significantly your feelings of self- confidence, joy, clarity, and creativity. Whenever we don’t want to experience emotional discomfort, we have a subconscious habit of shifting either to the past or future to numb our feelings. The Sedona process clears our emotional discomfort thereby allowing us to really show up and truly enjoy this precious life and each moment that we have.

*Effort-free Life developed by Chris Payne
In this approach, you learn how to increase your levels of experiencing more inner acceptance, joy, clarity, confidence, forgiveness and courage while your practicing aware breathing. The intensity of upsetting feelings like frustration and worry usually dissipates within 5-30 minutes when you are working with this process. You’ll be surprised at how quickly and easily this clears upsetting experiences!

*Intuitional Releasing
I have developed a system of working with all of these releasing approaches. In addition, I have developed many techniques to dissolve challenging issues, upsetting feelings and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from having fulfilling relationships and which limit your own personal growth.

*Heart-Math by Doc Lew Childre
By practicing this approach during your workday, your stress levels will go down as you begin to transform how your feel in each moment. Your heart beats 100,000 times a day while pumping 150 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Amazing! The heart also is 7 times electrically stronger than the brain and over 2,000 times magnetically stronger! Every beat your heart resonates by sending either coherence/harmony or chaos/stress to every cell.

In this approach, you learn how to breathe in and out of your higher heart. This helps dissolve upsetting feelings around any experience. (In my office, I can connect you up to a heart monitor that shows if your heartbeat is giving every cell harmony or draining away your peace, health and vitality.) After practicing this heart-based therapy even for 10- 30 minutes, you can begin to feel the beneficial healing changes.

*Psych-K developed by Rob Williams
Your subconscious may hold self-defeating beliefs. These may limit what you can achieve and negatively affects your self-confidence, health, spirituality, prosperity and relationships. If your life feels like a car being driven with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious goals and your hidden subconscious limiting beliefs. This conflict can be resolved through Psych-K which combines specific exercises to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain, breathing techniques, visualizations and eye exercises.

Psych-K dissolves and helps you transform these sabotaging beliefs. This inner work focuses on increasing your self worth, bonding through responsible forgiveness, unconditional love, contentment in any situation, joyfully letting go and being in harmony with the universe.

Psych-K is a simple, yet, very effective process that identifies and transforms these self-sabotaging beliefs.

Benefits may include: Increased confidence, career success, smoking cessation, weight loss, eliminating fears, attracting greater wealth and prosperity and inner peace.

*Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) dissolves the impact of disturbing feelings, experiences and beliefs by tapping upon certain acupuncture points and stimulating different parts of the brain. Dis-stress adversely impacts the acupuncture meridian system flow of chi or life force and our brain bio-chemistry. This makes it much harder to feel centered, calm and compassionate and to think logically and clearly about traumatic experiences that are current or in our subconscious mind. EFT is a simple way  to feel more optimistic, centered with increased will-power to be more successful in life by clearing sabotaging feelings. I work with my clients and teach them the basic EFT protocol, and then at a later date teach them different ways to enhance its beneficial effects. Results vary.

*Re-Evaluation Release Therapy, developed by Harvey Jackins
In this approach, I help you become more alive, creative and centered by releasing through laughter, tears and tantrums, unresolved emotions which are still limiting you in any way. This is a creative, intuitive path to reclaiming your life and living filled with powerful optimism, courageous wisdom, and spontaneity.