Coaching – Life, Wellness, Sport, Hypnotic, Self-Actualization, Alpha Breathing, Meditative Styles – Self Transformation Teacher
*Creating optimal health, peak performance in sports, greater success, achieve your goals, experience your limitless potential to be happy and alive, fulfilled, forgiving, grateful and loving. Experience Solution-focused coaching.
Monthly ongoing coaching is customized to help you define your immediate and long time goals and to create strategies to implement therm. Working with a Hypnotic coach is an exceptional effective approach, since I can use Hypnosis and Emotional Stress Releasing techniques to help you dissolve sabotaging beliefs or reactive feelings. This will help accelerate the positive changes that you wish to have in your life.
This invaluable investment in yourself can literally change you life and how you really live it. If not now, when?
Do you hold negative emotions and the writing on your mental wall still limit you?
“People choose coaching for many different reasons: It is a safe place for you to work through any obstacles or problems that you may be facing:
- feeling stuck or confused
- exhausted on the verge of tears
- disconnected from your inner self and filled with frustration and disappointment
- addiction or self-sabotage you want to be freed from
- self awareness or self actualization of your limitless potential
- feeling stuck in your work
- time management challenges
- improving communication skills
- new career
- having clarity about a challenging situation
- goals not reached
- disorganized and frustrated
- mismanage time and drained
- lacking purpose and decisiveness
- lacking self respect
- taking what others say personally
- unclear and indecisive
- letting go of draining attachments and limiting desires
- frustrated with life and your relationships
- improving the quality of your relationships
- weak financial picture
- increasing your creativity and experiencing more joy in each moment
- bring joy and passion back into your life
- looking for new approaches to achieve your dreams
- wanting to take decisive action with accountability
- consistent daily practice creates success in any area
Self-actualizarion or Meditative Life Coaching: My compassionate, intuitive support for your unique path in life comes from my being a yoga and mediation teacher as well as a Qigong healer and Hypnotherapist.
“Benefits include:
- Increasing your natural intuitive abilities
- Becoming even more creativity and the joy your experience in each moment
- Laughing more
- Living in each moment with more gratefulness and peace
- Deepening your direct experience of the Divine Presence in your life and meditation
- Learning from my 30 years of daily meditation many approaches and practices to transform your life in many ways
- Inspired support of your choices- what makes sense to you
- Compassionate support of whatever you’re feeling and going through at each moment
- Helping you to access your natural ability to find answers to life’s challenging questions
- Support in compassionately accepting yourself and others
- Unconditional acceptance of others without judgment from another on the path
Hypnotic Sports Coaching: Athletes and their trainers usually spend 95% of their time on physical conditioning. Hypnotic sports coaching address the inner reality that sports are over 90% in the mind. I will teach you how to integrate Qigong and Yoga’s ancient mind body approaches to whatever sport you’re focused on.
*Benefits may include:
- Increasing endurance and lessening recovery time
- Learning yoga and qigong exercises to access your vast potential in every aspect of your life
- Playing from your core power center
- Increasing your fluid strength to maximize peak performance
- Increasing your life force or energy level with your workouts
- Being relaxed mentally and physically yet very focused
- Learning the secrets of Tai Chi running/walking which may increase your lifespan up to 12 years and decrease the impact of injuryand wearing out the cartilage in your joints
- Maintaining your activity and endurance level as you age
- Learning self hypnosis with visualizations to increase your performance while deepening your pure enjoyment of the moment
- Being in the present moment – approaches to maximize these transforming moments
Wellness coaching: I draw on 30 years of self-training, education and experience in alternative approaches to health (see my bio) to helping you create optimum health, vitality, greater longevity, inner peace and deepening your connection to the One.
“My approach to life-coaching is tailored to your needs, setting specific goals for specific outcomes and expanding the range of what you understand to be possible. I use a comprehensive approach tailored to you which will help you renew your self-confidence and optimism and determination by removal of emotional blocks such as fear, worry, procrastination, frustration, depression, and insecurity.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it, Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”” Goethe
Disclaimer: The information (techniques and approaches) in this blog or video is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Check with your medical provider first before using these approaches. None of these therapeutic approaches treat or cure any health condition nor substitute for the need of professional medical intervention. Testimonies are anectodal only and do not represent what you may experience. Results do vary. Thank you.