Trigger Point Therapy & Spinal  Yoga Nerve Therapy for Bicycling, Running, Soccer, Mountain Climbing, Football Injuries

Introductory Special: Only $59 for first hour in my Santa Rosa Office

*Many professional athletes work with massage therapists who use Trigger Point Therapy to prevent injury, increase effectiveness in their sport and to recover faster from injury. This effective combination of Trigger Point Therapy and Spinal Yoga Nerve Therapy has helped many of my  clients who are sports enthusiasts. It has helped them to be free from acute and chronic pain. Trigger Point Therapy was developed by Dr. Travell, MD and Dr. Nemo D.C. who found this 80% effective for most acute and chronic pain in a series of session.

In 27 years of massage practice, I have seen a series of one to ten sessions of Trigger Point Therapy  help dissolve a significant amount of pain in sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, whiplash, sciatica pain, lumbago pain, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis.  


Trigger Point Therapy: When you move one of your legs after doing Trigger Point Therapy on it, you will be amazed at how  much lighter and more powerful it feels than your other leg. In the same way, whenever I do Reflexology on one of your feet, you will feel that half of your body will be more relaxed, with less pain or stress than the other half of your body.

Comprehensive Trigger Point Therapy & Spinal  Yoga Nerve Therapy Session: One of the core techniques which I have found give pain relieving results from is Yoga Spinal Nerve Therapy. This gentle but deep acting technique involves working on clearing constriction in the ligaments and tendons around the spine and increasing the flow of life force flowing through the spinal column. Yoga Spinal Nerve Therapy is an ancient yoga massage technique.  Initially, I palpate different areas of the back, shoulder and neck to assess the level of pain, congestion or inflammation. After doing Yoga Spinal Nerve Therapy for 5-15 minutes, manny of my clients  not only more relaxed but any pain in their back, neck, shoulders, arms has been reduced.  After this, I continue with Trigger Point Therapy to help clear deeper areas of pain or stiffness.  For most of my clients, I end with Foot reflexology which stimulates the 72,000 nerve endings in the foot.  Reflexology can either be very relaxing or stimulating the circulation if I increase the pressure of the massage. I customize the pressure that I use with Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue and Sports Massage according to my clients’ feedback.

Yoga Spinal Nerve therapy is a ancient breakthrough approach to dissolving stored tension and stress from pounding the joints receive in sports workouts,  excess sitting, computer work, commuter time and upsetting experiences that effect not only the spinal column but the cranial sacral fluid. The cranial sacral fluid which flows between the brain and every nerve in our body stores the imprint of every stress physical or emotional. This in turn, impacts aging, pain and the potential for disease. My yoga teacher said it reverses aging of the spine, brain and the nervous system. The internal quietness and deep relaxation from getting this done regularly  you can relax into while you’re working out or running, bicycling, soccer, and baseball.

Sport’s Inner & Outer Performance: Many athletes has found their own empowering routines to speed recovery from workouts and games, prevent injury and increase the level of their sport’s performance.  As part of each session (5-10 minutes), I will teach the Sport’s Empowering Techniques that you’re interested in. By just adding one to three of these self help sports performance techniques to your workout, you will find over time increased vitality, speed, less pain and stiffness,  and shorter recovery times from intense workouts.

Sports Performance & Empowering Techniques include: Alpha Breathing– changing your brainwaves, yoga, qigong, Trigger point therapy, Akido centering techniques and reflexology, Dr Butekyo Breathing increasing available oxygen levels up 75%,  Reflexology, Akido 4 Centering Techniques, Qigong Meditation, Tai Chi Running.  The “zen of sports” involves working with your awareness, breath, subconscious beliefs, affirmations, positive focus, and learning how to be relaxed yet focused wherever you are.  I have been practicing yoga, qigong and integrating meditation into my lifestyle and hiking since 1971.

If you’re interested in experiencing how Trigger Point Therapy & Spinal Yoga Nerve Therapy can help ease pain from sport’s injuries,  speed recovery and enhance your peak performance, email or call me to answer any questions you may still have or to set up an appointment.  I also have an office in Petaluma and San Rafael, CA.     Thank you. or 707-396-8788.

Varsity High School Teams – If you are interested in having me come and teach a class on Trigger Point Therapy or Sports Performance & Empowering Techniques, please email me.

Disclaimer: The information (techniques and approaches) in this blog is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Check with your medical provider first before using these approaches.    None of these therapeutic approaches treat or cure any health condition nor substitute for the need of professional medical intervention. Testimonies are anectodal only and do not represent what you may experience. Results do vary.